
Importance of Aging test on LED Lighting

Since Traditional HID Lighting Evolving into LED Lighting, we have moved into a electronic component sector today, so what that means is that the longevity of these product are highly dependent upon the thermal dissipation and how the electrical component can operate over a duration of period.

With LED chips and power supply, it is important to operate them at a requested operating temperature (as provided by specification) if operate above the said operating temperature, it means the components are now taking on more heat than it is designed for. This in terms can cause early life failure for some of these components.

Therefore, an LED Lighting which is designed to ensure the proper thermal heat dissipation is so important. Many manufacturers, when assembly LED Lighting Fixture, might not go through a proper aging test, this is very critical in the part of quality assurance for product.

Aging test, which means powering the LEDLighting Fixture for a duration of period, to Identify how the fixture is operating, in terms of its thermal and functional aspect. Aging test is critical, in detecting early life failures, whether it be poor soldering in power supply or LED PCB board, or simply identifying a higher operating temperature than originally designed.

All our LED lighting conduct through 4 Hours of Multiple voltage aging test, to identify any product which may cause early life failure, prior to shipping. It’s important in doing so to eliminate the faulty Products and prevent it from getting to the hands of the consumer.

Aside from aging test, there’s also alternative more intensive testing, like the HALT Testing (Highly Accelerated Lifetime Testing) where a harsh external environment is created to speed up the proceed of LED lighting. This Is important in the development stage of the product.

For more information on the various type of testing done on lighting to ensure quality and longevity,  contact us today.

Our Products with aging test:



About: Kenji